Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs and networks, and algorithmic methods for drawing graphs. It is motivated by applications in which it is crucial to visualize structural information as graphs. Advances in graph drawing are important in several technological areas such as Web computing, e-commerce, VLSI circuit design, information systems, software engineering, computational cartography, visual interfaces, bioinformatics, and networking. Researchers and practitioners working on any aspect of graph drawing are invited to contribute and participate. The range of topics includes, but is not limited to:
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to graph drawing, including demonstrations of software systems. Papers may be either long (up to 12 pages) or short (up to 6 pages), using single-spaced LNCS style. The claims made in the submissions should be fully substantiated, including full proofs, appropriate experimental data, or system descriptions. If this information will not fit within the page limits, the authors may include a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the reviewers.
Accepted submissions will be published in the conference proceedings, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag. Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications.
Call for Posters: Submissions of posters on graph drawing and related areas are also solicited. The poster session will provide a forum for the communication of late-breaking research results (which may also appear elsewhere) to the graph drawing community. Posters should be accompanied by an abstract (up to 2 pages); abstracts of accepted posters will be included in the conference proceedings.
Graph Drawing Contest: Following the tradition of previous conferences, a graph drawing contest will be held. Details about the contest will be provided on the conference web site.
Child care: Child care will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis for young children (0-3 years) at the TUimelaar, the day care center on the TU/e campus at no costs to conference participants.
Paper submission deadline: | June 6, 2011 |
Notification of paper acceptance: | July 22, 2011 |
Poster submission deadline: | August 19, 2011 |
Notification of poster acceptance: | August 29, 2011 |
Final versions due: | September 5, 2011 |
Contest submission deadline: | September 19, 2011 |
Symposium on Graph Drawing: | September 21–23, 2011 |