8th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence 2012

to be held in conjunction with BPM 2012 Tallin, Estonia, September 3rd - 6th 2012

Business Processing Intelligence Challenge (BPIC)

Second International Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPIC’12)

In this challenge, we provide participants with a real-life event log, and we ask them to analyze these data using whatever techniques available, documenting their findings in one of two ways:

  1. The participants can focus on a specific aspect of interest and analyze this aspect in great detail. Here, one can choose for example to focus on specific models, such as control-flow models, social network models, performance models, predictive models, etc.
  2. The participants may report on a broader range of aspects, where each aspect does not have to be developed in full detail. The report submitted in this category will be judged on its completeness of analysis and usefulness for the purpose of a real-life business improvement setting.

A jury will decide which report is best and the winning participant in each category will receive a prize! Furthermore, selected submissions will be published in the proceedings of the BPI workshop.

We strongly encourage people to use any tools, techniques, methods at their disposal. There is no need to restrict to open-source tools, and proprietary tools as well as techniques developed or implemented specifically for this challenge are welcome.

The winner in each of the two categories will be announced at the Workshop on September 3rd 2012.

Event Log

We have prepared a real-life log, taken from a Dutch Financial Institute. This log contains some 262.200 events in 13.087 cases. Apart from some anonymization, the log contains all data as it came from the financial institute. The process represented in the event log is an application process for a personal loan or overdraft within a global financing organization. The amount requested by the customer is indicated in the case attribute AMOUNT_REQ, which is global, i.e. every case contains this attribute. The event log is a merger of three intertwined sub processes. The first letter of each task name identifies from which sub process (source) it originated from. Feel free to run analyses on the process as a whole, on selections of the whole process and/or the individual sub processes.

The data owner is interested in all valuable information and especially estimators for the total cycle time, which resources generate the highest activation rate of applications, how does the process model look like, which decisions have great influence on the process flow and where are they.

The log is provided in XES format (3.3 MB) and in MXML format (5.3 MB). The XES format is a standard defined by the IEEE task force on process mining. For details on the XES format, please look here.

For referencing purposes, the log file has a DOI doi:10.4121/uuid:3926db30-f712-4394-aebc-75976070e91f and can be found in the 3TU Datacenter. Please use this DOI in any reference to the dataset.


Six submissions arrived and were judged by the jury. The submissions are listed below in alphabetical order:

  • A. Adriansyah and J.C.A.M. Buijs, Eindhoven University of Technology download
  • A.D. Bautista, L. Wangikar and S.M. Kumail Akbar, CKM Advisors, New York, NY, USA download
  • R.P. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose and W.M.P. van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology download
  • C.J. Kang, C.K. Shin, E.S. Lee, J. H. Kim, M.A. An, Myongji University, South Korea download
  • T. Molka, W. Gilani and X.J. Zeng, SAP Research, Ireland download
  • H.M.W. Verbeek, Eindhoven University of Technology download

The Winner

The winner of this year's challenge is:

  • A.D. Bautista, L. Wangikar and S.M. Kumail Akbar, CKM Advisors, New York, NY, USA

According to the jury: “Their submission shows a very results-driven method of analyzing, where every analysis seemed to be driven by the motivation to dis/prove a specific hypothesis, related to a concrete and actionable improvement potential in the client company. This results in a successful conversion of analysis results in digestible business level results and recommendations”


Our sponsors, Perceptive Software and Fluxicon made the following prized available to the participants:

  • A new i-Pad for the winner, combined with a 30-day Disco Enterprise license, including 1 hour of 1-on-1 consultation, to use at any time during future process mining tasks.
  • All participants receive a 30-day Disco Professional license, to use at any time during future process mining tasks.

Log Description

Global process of a successful application

An application is submitted through a webpage. Then, some automatic checks are performed, after which the application is complemented with additional information. This information is obtained trough contacting the customer by phone. If an applicant is eligible, an offer is sent to the client by mail. After this offer is received back, it is assessed. When it is incomplete, missing information is added by again contacting the customer. Then a final assessment is done, after which the application is approved and activated.

Event type explanation

Event Type Meaning
States starting with ‘A_’ States of the application
States starting with ‘O_’ States of the offer belonging to the application
States starting with ‘W_’ States of the work item belonging to the application
COMPLETE The task (of type ‘A_’ or ‘O_’) is completed
SCHEDULE The work item (of type ‘W_’) is created in the queue (automatic step following manual actions)
START The work item (of type ‘W_’) is obtained by the resource
COMPLETE The work item (of type ‘W_’) is released by the resource and put back in the queue or transferred to another queue (SCHEDULE)

Event Translations

Below, we present some translations for the most important events in this event log.

Dutch state name English translation
W_Afhandelen leads W_Fixing incoming lead
W_Completeren aanvraag W_Filling in information for the application
W_Valideren aanvraag W_Assessing the application
W_Nabellen offertes W_Calling after sent offers
W_Nabellen incomplete dossiers W_Calling to add missing information to the application

Submission guide

Submissions should be made by e-mail to: b.f.v.dongen@tue.nl. A submission should contain a pdf report of at most 30 pages, including figures, using the LNCS/LNBIP format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791344-0) specified by Springer (available for both LaTeX and MS Word). Appendices may be included, but should only support the main text. The submitted reports will be published online at the challenge website.

Submissions of sufficient quality will be given the opportunity to prepare a two-page extended summary of their findings in the proceedings of the BPI workshop, which are published in an LNBIP volume.


Perceptive Software
Through the recent purchase of Pallas Athena,
Perceptive Software has become a world-leading
Business Process Management Software (BPM)
and Solutions provider. Their innovative software
platforms and user-friendly designs are well
known and recognized throughout the industry.

Fluxicon - Process mining for professionals
The process mining technology in Fluxicon's
products can automatically create smart flow
diagrams of your process. All you need are
event logs that are already on your IT systems.
Because our products work with this objective
information, you no longer need to rely on belief
or hearsay — you will know what's going on.


Important Dates

Report submission deadline: Monday, July 30, 2012 Sunday, August 12, 2012, 23:59 CET
Announcement of winners: at the 8th Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 12),
Tallinn, Estonia, September 3rd 2012


Boudewijn van Dongen (Corresponding Organizer)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 40 247 2181
Fax: +31 40 246 3992
E-mail: b.f.v.dongen@tue.nl
URL: http://www.processmining.org/
Diogo R. Ferreira
IST – Technical University of Lisbon
Avenida Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva
2744-016 Porto Salvo
Tel.: +351 21 423 35 52
E-mail: diogo.ferreira@tagus.ist.utl.pt
URL: http://web.tagus.ist.utl.pt/~diogo.ferreira/
Barbara Weber
Institut für Informatik
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 507 512 6474
Fax: +43 507 512 9871
E-mail: Barbara.Weber@uibk.ac.at
URL: http://qe-informatik.uibk.ac.at

The challenge is co-organized by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining. The goal of this Task Force is to promote the research, development, education and understanding of process mining. For more information about the activities of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and its members see https://www.win.tue.nl/ieeetfpm/

Jury (tentative)

  • Peter van den Brand, Futura Technology, The Netherlands
  • Andrea Burattin, Padua University, Italy
  • Boudewijn van Dongen, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Diogo R. Ferreira, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Anne Rozinat, Fluxicon, The Netherlands
  • Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria
  • Lijie Wen, Tshingua School of Software, China
  • Mystery judge, process owner, The Netherlands.