Uses of Class

Packages that use CryptoException   

Uses of CryptoException in

Methods in that throw CryptoException
static Signature Signature.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a Signature object instance of the selected algorithm.
abstract  void Signature.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
          Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key.
abstract  void Signature.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
          Initializes the Signature object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  void Signature.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength)
          Accumulates a signature of the input data.
abstract  short Signature.sign(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset)
          Generates the signature of all/last input data.
abstract  boolean Signature.verify(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] sigBuff, short sigOffset, short sigLength)
          Verifies the signature of all/last input data against the passed in signature.
 void RSAPublicKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the modulus value of the key.
 void RSAPublicKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the public exponent value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateKey.setModulus(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the modulus value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateKey.setExponent(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the private exponent value of the key.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the P parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the Q parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDP1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the DP1 parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setDQ1(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the DQ1 parameter.
 void RSAPrivateCrtKey.setPQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the PQ parameter.
static RandomData RandomData.getInstance(byte algorithm)
          Creates a RandomData instance of the selected algorithm.
static MessageDigest MessageDigest.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a MessageDigest object instance of the selected algorithm.
 void KeyPair.genKeyPair()
          (Re)Initializes the key objects encapsulated in this KeyPair instance with new key values.
static Key KeyBuilder.buildKey(byte keyType, short keyLength, boolean keyEncryption)
          Creates uninitialized cryptographic keys for signature and cipher algorithms.
 void DSAPublicKey.setY(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the key.
 void DSAPrivateKey.setX(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the value of the key.
 void DSAKey.setP(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the prime parameter value of the key.
 void DSAKey.setQ(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the subprime parameter value of the key.
 void DSAKey.setG(byte[] buffer, short offset, short length)
          Sets the base parameter value of the key.
 void DESKey.setKey(byte[] keyData, short kOff)
          Sets the Key data.

Constructors in that throw CryptoException
KeyPair(byte algorithm, short keyLength)
          Constructs a KeyPair instance for the specified algorithm and keylength.  The encapsulated keys are uninitialized.
KeyPair(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey)
          Constructs a new KeyPair object containing the specified public key and private key.

Uses of CryptoException in javacardx.crypto

Methods in javacardx.crypto that throw CryptoException
static Cipher Cipher.getInstance(byte algorithm, boolean externalAccess)
          Creates a Cipher object instance of the selected algorithm.
abstract  short Cipher.doFinal(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
          Generates encrypted/decrypted output from all/last input data.
abstract  void Cipher.init(Key theKey, byte theMode, byte[] bArray, short bOff, short bLen)
          Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key and algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  short Cipher.update(byte[] inBuff, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] outBuff, short outOffset)
          Generates encrypted/decrypted output from input data.
abstract  void Cipher.init(Key theKey, byte theMode)
          Initializes the Cipher object with the appropriate Key.

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