Programming Methods (2IP15)

2012-2013 Quartile 3

[ Lab Sessions | Downloads | peach³ | Final Grade | FAQ ]

Also see TU/e Education Information for 2IP15.

11-Jul-2013 Grades for BPA (rework) and the resit of the written exam
(accessible from TU/e domain)
Exam and answer hints
12-Jun-2013 Read the email of 17 May
on how to extend your BPA deadline if you do not retake the written exam.
15-May-2013 Grades for BPA and the written exam
(accessible from TU/e domain)
No grade for BPA means that rework is required (details in peach).
Exam and answer hints
28-Mar-2013 Deadline Binary Puzzle Assistant (Rework): Sun 16 Jun 2013 23:00,
because the resit of the written exam is in June (not August)
28-Mar-2013 Question and answer session: Thu 04 Apr 2013 10:45 - 12:30
Deadline Binary Puzzle Assistant (Final): Thu 04 Apr 2013 23:00
Final grade algorithm has been updated.
Material for the written exam has been marked [Exam].
11-Mar-2013 Added a link to The Power of Abstraction,
a presentation by Barbara Liskov (inventor of the Abstract Data Type)
05-Mar-2013 Peer review results for IntRelation are now visible.
28-Feb-2013 This page is now fairly up to date.
13-Feb-2013 All unrestricted course material is available through a Subversion repository.
30-Jan-2013 Register for this course in Oase.
(You will then also be registered in peach³.)


Lecturer: Dr. ir. T. (Tom) Verhoeff (SET Group, T.Verhoeff@TUE.NL)
Procedural abstraction
Functional decomposition
Unit testing
Refresher: [2] Ch.4
Data abstraction
Abstract and Nested classes
Strategy Design Pattern
Refresher: [2] Ch.2.2.3, Ch.3.7, Ch.5.(1, 2, 5), Ch.8.(3, 4.1)
TDD handout
[1] Ch.1, Ch.7
Iterator Abstraction
Iteration Design Pattern
Nested Classes
Observer Design Pattern
[2] Ch.10.1.(4,5), 5.7
[1] Ch.3, 9
GUI Components and Events
Composite Design Pattern
Façade Design Pattern
Adapter Design Pattern
Decorator Design Pattern
[2] Ch.13.4.1
[1] Ch.4, 5, 10, extra Ch.
Graphics, Menus, File Chooser
Command Design Pattern, Undo-Redo
Singleton Design Pattern
Factory Design Pattern
Template Method Design Pattern
[2] Ch.6.(3,4,6,8), 11.2, 13.3
[1] Ch. extra, Ch.2, 8, 11
Recursion, Backtracking
[2] Ch.9.1, 10
[1] Ch.6
Concurrency, Threads
State Design Pattern
Other languages
Advanced Tools
[2] Ch.12.(1, 2.(1-3))
Study Material:
Also see under Downloads.
  1. [Exam] Eddie Burris. Programming in the Large with Design Patterns. Pretty Print Press, 2012. (Free shipping from Germany)
    Book's website (with errata, review questions, slides, etc.)
    PDF for use in 2IP15 (RESTRICTED ACCESS)
  2. Introduction to Programming Using Java by David J. Eck, on-line, Version 6.0, June 2011.

Other literature:

Final Grade:
The examination involves three components:
  1. Weekly homework assignments and peer reviews; these are compulsory
  2. [20% + 30%] Large programming assignment (from Week 2); the 20% part will be graded after Week 4.
    There will be one grade for the large programming assignment.
    In particular, insufficient grades for the initial 20%-part can be improved in the final submission.
  3. [50%] Written exam
  4. Partial grades are rounded to one decimal.
Algorithm for final grade:
  1. If more than one compulsory homework assignment does not have an acceptable submission, then no final grade will be provided.
  2. The partial grades must each be at least 4.0.
  3. The final grade is computed as the weighted mean of the (two) partial grades, rounded to an integer.
  4. The written exam 2IP15 concerns all covered material.
  5. If the precondition (items 1 and 2 above) is not satisfied and you did submit work for the large programming assignment or the written exam, then the final grade will be computed as
    the minimum of rounded mean mentioned above and 4.0.


Exam topics
  • 2IP15: See reading list and downloadable study material.
  • Lab Sessions

    Coordinator: Gerard Zwaan (G.Zwaan@TUE.NL)
    Grouping: see Oase
    Submit work: peach3
    Default homework deadline: Sunday 23:00

    ©2013, Tom Verhoeff (TU/e)
    Feedback about this page is welcome