Contact me or drop by for MSc projects on theory or applications of verification and validation techniques.
If (you think) you enjoy doing research (individually or in a small group) in the intersection of algorithms, logic, game theory or their application, but are not yet ready for the big final MSc project, there's always the option to do a capita selecta with me. Of course, you can also propose your own topics.
- PhD. students.
- Olav Bunte, MSc. Started 2018.
- Maurice Laveaux, PhD. 2018-2022 (thesis). Now at TU/e.
- Thomas Neele, PhD. 2016-2020 (thesis). Now at TU/e
- Ulyana Tikhonova, PhD. 2011-2017 (thesis). Now at Axini
- Daniela Remenska, PhD. 2011-2016 (at NIKHEF and VU Amsterdam). Last known affiliation eBay.
- Maciej Gazda, PhD. 2010-2016 (thesis). Now at Sheffield.
- Neda Noroozi, PhD. 2010-2014 (thesis). Last known affiliation ALTRAN.
- Jeroen Keiren, PhD. 2009-2013 (thesis). Now at the TU/e.
- Bas Ploeger, PhD. 2005--2009 (thesis). Last known affiliation Google Zurich.
- MSc. Final projects.
- Jordi van Laarhoven. Formalising the State Machine Modelling Tool (SMMT). March 2023 -- December 2023.
- Edward Liem. Extraction of Invariants in Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. March 2023 -- September 2023. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Myrthe Spronck. Fairness Assumptions in the Modal mu-Calculus. March 2023 -- September 2023. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Tom Buskens. Optimizing the code generator for OIL. February 2021 -- October 2021.
- Koen Degeling. New algorithms and heuristics for solving Variability Parity Games. February 2021 -- November 2021.
- Anneke Huijsmans. Optimising Parity Game Solvers using dynamic SCC maintenance. November 2020 -- September 2021.
- Geert van Ieperen. Visualisation of large Labelled Transition Systems. April 2020 -- February 2021.
- Sjef van Loo. Verifying SPLs using parity games expressing variability. May 2019 -- November 2019.
- Mark Frenken. Code Generation and Model-Based Testing in Context of OIL. April 2019 -- December 2019.
- Kevin Nogarede. An approachable language for formal requirements. April 2019 -- December 2019.
- Maurice Laveaux. Abstracting Real-Valued Parameters in Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. April 2017 -- January 2018. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Roxana Paval. Modeling and Verifying Concurrent Data Structures. Joint supervision with Bas Luttik. March 2017 -- January 2018.
- Olav Bunte. Quantitative Model Checking on Probabilistic Systems using pLµ. February 2017 -- November 2017. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Myrthe van Delft. Consistent Consequence Formalized. January 2016 -- July 2016. Joint supervision with Herman Geuvers.
- Petra van den Helder. Verification of PLC code used at CERN. March 2015 -- May 2016. Joint supervision with Dragan Bosnacki.
- Tessa Belder. State space reduction for state-based and event-based models of Software Product Lines, December 2014 -- July 2015. Joint supervision with Erik de Vink. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Pieter Bootsma. Speeding up the small progress measures algorithm for parity games using the GPU, March 2013 -- December 2013. Joint supervision with Andrei Jalba and Herman Haverkort. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Mark Geelen. Black-box Random Testing of the mCRL2 Toolset Using Attribute Grammars. March 2013 -- January 2014. Joint supervision with Wieger Wesselink.
- Kevin van der Pol. Symbolic compositional model checking for mCRL2, March 2012 -- January 2013. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Tom Boshoven. A Symbolic Approach to PBES instantiation, March 2012 -- February 2013.
- Sander Leemans. Validation of CERN's Finite State Machines, September 2011 -- June 2012. Research carried out at CERN. Joint supervision with Jeroen Keiren. Graduated Cum Laude.
- Charl Linssen. Diagnostics for Model Checking, March 2010 -- January 2011.
- Jeroen Keiren. An
experimental study of algorithms and optimisations for parity games, with an application to Boolean
Equation Systems, February 2009 -- July 2009.Graduated Cum Laude.
- Tom Haenen. Strengthening methods for parameterized Boolean equation systems, March 2009 -- September 2010.
- Simon Janssen. Tools for Parameterized Boolean Equation Systems, February 2008 -- August 2008.
- Henk van de Crommert. Robotic devices as interfaces to Web services, March 2007 -- October 2007.
- Alexander van Dam. Instantiation of Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems, September 2006-- August 2007.
- PDEng. Final Projects.
- Nick Roussos (2023)
- George Azis (2021)
- Trupti Manik (2019)
- Sololia Ayele (2018)
- Aldo Daniel Martínez Márquez (2016)
- Erikos Alkalai (2015)
- Tesfahun Tesfay (2015)
- Christos Apostolou (2014)
- Abelneh Teka (2014) won the design award.
- Sanda Contiu (2008)
- Dmitri Jarnikov (2003)
- MSc. Seminars/Internships/Capita Selecta.
- Martijn Struijs, Consistent Consequence for PBESs, April 2018 -- June 2018; joint supervision with Herman Geuvers.
- Lisette Sanchez, BDD-based Parity Game Solving, November 2017 -- January 2018. An extended and enhanced version is available here
- Mark Bouwman, Liveness Analysis in Process Algebra, November 2017 -- January 2018.
- Maurice Laveaux, Implementing Priority Promotion for Parity Games, November 2016 -- January 2017.
- Myrthe van Delft, A proof system for Consistent Consequence on PBES, May--August 2015; joint supervision with Herman Geuvers.
- Ka ka Tam, Robustness in Asynchronous Model-Based Testing, May--August 2015.
- Bram Geron, Verifying Compiler Rules, internship INRIA-Lille, September--November 2012.
- Kevin van der Pol, Compositional Verification Techniques for mCRL2, September 2011 -- January 2012.
- Tom Boshoven, Simulation Equivalence Reduction in Parity Games, September 2011 -- January 2012.
- Kevin van der Pol, Applying Gauss Elimination from Boolean Equation Systems to Simple Integer Equation Systems, September 2011 -- January 2012. Join supervision with Jeroen Keiren.
- Vincent Kusters, Preprocessing parity games with partial Gauss elimination, September 2010--January 2011.
- Rob Schoren, Correspondence between Kripke Structures and Labeled Transition Systems for Model Minimization, September 2010--January 2011.
- Shreya Adyanthaya. Adding Symmetry Reduction Techniques to mCRL2, September 2010--January 2011. Joint supervision with Mohammad Mousavi.
- Vincent Kusters. An Analysis of the CMS Control Software, internship CERN, March 2010--June 2010.
- Maarten Meulen. Combining Bounded Model Checking with Highway Search, September 2008-- December 2008.
- Jeroen Keiren. Small Progress Measures, Parity Games and Boolean Equation Systems, September 2008-- December 2008.
- Simon Janssen. Conjunctive and Disjunctive Boolean Equation Systems, September 2007-- December 2007.
- Martijn Struijs, Consistent Consequence for PBESs, April 2018 -- June 2018; joint supervision with Herman Geuvers.
- BSc. Internships.
- Ronald Kruithof. Remote Printer Servicing, December 2003
- Monique Ansems. Een flessen-vul systeem, September 2001
- Wouter Wiersma. Language-Driven System Design, July 2001; see publications for the conference and journal versions